23 August 2007

thoughts and such.

today as i was watching derek edit the video he is doing for hope of the nations here in kigoma, i was thinking/reflecting about the ministry (hope of the nations) and what they do here. this ministry really is so so focused on loving a building relationships with people everywhere they go, even if they're not in a place where they would be able to keep in contact with them regularly, they still show the people of that area that they are loved and cared for, even from afar. i think that their love for the nationals really does resemble the love of jesus, which is what we're here to do, right?! i think so. we're supposed to show the love of jesus wherever we are, in whatever we are doing! we don't have to be in a 3rd world country, like this one, to be the most effective. there are people who we live next door to, or we walk past on the street, or sit next to on the bus, or serve us our coffee who need the love of God just as much.

also, the people here who we are supposed to be ministering to and with show US more love than i knew was possible! for the first 2 months of living here in kigoma i was living with an african family in their home here. (i think i might have mentioned them in a past post? i don't remember.) i was living with jackson, his wife esther, and their 2 little boys, talent and joshua. they are a WONDERFUL family, who loves jesus sooooo much, and teaches their kids properly also, and everything they do just pours out the love of God. when we (myself and the other 2 intern girls) would come home late from working all day, mama talent (esther) would have hot water ready for us to take our showers with! (here there isn't hot water, you have to boil the water, then mix it with normal water...and they don't have electric or gas stoves to boil it on either, they have to boil it over some coals...it's quite a difficult process.) she would make sure we were NEVER hungry or thirsty. breakfast was always ready for us by 7:30 am with hot tea made! (mama gets up around 6-ish each morning to prepare all of this for us/her family.) anyways, i'm just writing all of this to say...this ministry here really seems to have it. sure, they have their weaknesses and struggles...but who doesn't! it'll get worked out eventually. there are always things to learn.

i've learned a lot from the africans since i've been here, and i know that derek has too. we've made some wonderful friends, and we've gleaned so much from them. it's been wonderful! i think we are both excited to go home and see what God has for us there. (and we're very very excited to go home and see all of our wonderful friends.)

on another note...we are returning to san francisco on september 11th! (well, we leave here on the 11th, then we arrive at SFO on the 12th.) yay! home...here we come! see you all and talk to you all soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

September 12th, huh? I'm counting down the days....