26 May 2007

Oh. My. Goodness.

Some More Friends
Originally uploaded by derek on flickr.
how amazing is derek. and how amazing is this photo. i love it...i just had to put it in my blog...i'm just so in love with everything about this.

23 May 2007

Divine creativity...

This was quite encouraging to me, being a person who loves to create. God is the creator of everything...including creativity. We were all made in his image, and so we all are able to create so much more than we even know. Now, we all have our own special areas of "gifting", but I am a strong believer that everyone can do anything if they truly want to...especially with the help of Jesus. If we are supposed to be followers of Jesus, and use his example to show others what He is about, then we've gotta be creative, as he was, or people will get BORED! (As many have.) The quote below is (again) from The Secret Message of Jesus, by Brian McLaren.

“In a sense, Jesus’ creative use of parables sets and example for us to follow. It inspires us to ongoing creative communication–seeking to convey the kingdom through the symbolism of words as he did in the sort fictional form of parable, and also in poetry, short story, novel, or essay. But it doesn’t stop with the symbolism of words. People have been inspired to express the kingdom through the symbols of space and form, color and texture–in architecture and interior design. They have used the symbolism of movement and gesture in dance and drama. They’ve used the visual languages of painting and sculpture and collage and flower arranging and gardening. Even the symbolic language of taste can express the kingdom in cooking. Come to think of it, we might say that the kingdom of God is like and arts colony…”

I don't know how to make links, but here's my amazing boyfriend Derek's blog, and he discusses this a little bit as well.

22 May 2007


I've been reading a book by Brian McLaren called The Secret Message of Jesus. I know, it sounds like kind of a silly book...but it's highly thought provoking, and is really continuing the change of my heart in amazing ways. This is a quote found on page 102 of the book that really stuck out to me. It's basically a good summary of how the "Secret Message of Jesus" is supposed to be played out.

"Can you see how the secret message of Jesus is meant not just to be heard or read but to be seen in human lives, in radically inclusive reconciling communities, written not on pages in a book but in the lives and hearts of friends?"

I think it's so true...the way we live our lives, and speak of others, and the things we put our money and time into are a direct reflection of our heart...and also, if we're Christians, a reflection of Jesus' heart (to those who aren't Christians). So it's very important that we love unconditionally, especially our enemies and those directly around us. So often the church lets the amount of love we are supposed to have slip away, and we end up loving other selectively. Unconditionally is a pretty huge word. Let's look at the definition:

unconditional |ˌənkənˈdi sh ənl; -ˈdi sh nəl|
not subject to any conditions : unconditional surrender.

they gave their mom's new husband an unconditional welcome wholehearted,
unqualified, unreserved, unlimited, unrestricted, unmitigated, unquestioning; complete, total, entire, full, absolute, out-and-out, unequivocal.

Just something to think about. Examine your actions and how you think of others, and treat others as a result...it's something I'm trying to get better at...and I have a long way to go, that's for sure.

07 May 2007

in preparation...

in preparation for my trip to tanzania, africa, i decided to create this blog to post photos and whatnot on. i hope you love it, and i hope you learn new things along with me!!